недеља, 12. јануар 2014.

Besplatna Chica Vampire majica i torba

Odi na ovaj proxy:
Zalijepi ovu adresu i klikni enter:
Ulogiraj se na Stardoll i stavi ovu adresu:
Spusti dolje stranicu,odaberi bilo koji odgovor i priključi se natjecanju tako što klikneš na ono di piše "Partizipa"
Pričekaj da se učita i onda zalijepi ovu adresu:
Pričekaj da se učita i onda možeš izaći iz proxy.a :D

Free Lego Purple Hoody and Bench

If you are on France, Log in, Enter contest HERE
If you aren't on France, Follow these steps -
1)Go to any French web proxy like -
2)On the proxy's bar paste stardoll link
3)Click on Go/Press Enter and you should be directed to stardoll
4)Log in stardoll and now on proxy's URL paste this link -
5)Click Go/Press Enter and a contest page should open
6)Choose the 3rd answer and Click Enter competition button
Page should reload, that's it
7)Leave the proxy and go to stardoll.com as usual
Items should be in a Lego bag in your suite [:

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